March is National Nutrition Month!

HomeNewsMarch is National Nutrition Month!

The theme for this year’s National Nutrition Month® is “Fuel for the Future.” You and your family need nutritious food to fuel your bodies and your minds. Even when you’re on a tight budget, you can still shop for and prepare a healthy meal.

MyPlate, from the US Department of Agriculture, offers these shopping tips:National Nutrition Month

Find fruits and vegetables in the produce section, frozen foods, and in the canned and pantry food aisles. Compare prices to find the best buys.

  • Buy “in season” produce which often costs less and is at peak flavor. Buy only what you can use before it spoils.
  • Choose fruits canned in 100% fruit juice and vegetables with “low sodium” or “no salt added” on the label. These products are just as nutritious and fresh, and often cost less.
  • If you have the freezer space, stock up on frozen vegetables without added sauces or butter. Frozen vegetables are as good for you as fresh and may cost less.
  • Canned and frozen fruits and vegetables last much longer then fresh. They can be a quick way to add fruits and vegetables to your meal.

Find grains in many areas of the store, including the bread, cereal, snack, and pasta and rice aisles.

  • Make half your grains whole grains. Types of whole grains include whole wheat, brown rice, bulgur, buckwheat, oatmeal, whole-grain cornmeal, whole oats, and whole rye.
  • While shopping, check ingredient lists and pick the items that have a whole grain listed first.
  • Rice and pasta are budget-friendly grain options.
  • Choose hot cereals like plain oatmeal or whole-grain dry cereal.
  • Try new whole-grain snack ideas, like switching to whole-wheat crackers or popping your own popcorn.

Find protein foods throughout the entire store. They can be found in the fresh meat section, frozen foods section, dairy section, and canned and pantry food aisles.

  • Some low-cost protein foods include beans, peas, and lentils such as kidney beans, lima beans, split peas, and garbanzo beans (chickpeas).
  • Beans, peas, and lentils cost less than a similar amount of other protein foods.
  • To lower meat costs, buy the family-sized or value pack and freeze what you don’t use.
  • Choose lean meats like chicken or turkey. When choosing ground beef, make sure it’s lean (at least 93% lean/fat-free) ground beef.
  • Seafood doesn’t have to cost a lot. Try buying canned tuna, salmon, or sardines. These items store well and are a low-cost option.
  • Don’t forget about eggs! They’re an easy to make protein source.

Find dairy foods in the refrigerated and pantry aisles.

  • Choose low-fat or fat-free milk. These have just as much calcium, but fewer calories than whole and 2% milk.
  • Buy the larger size of low-fat plain yogurt instead of single flavored yogurt. Then add your own flavors by mixing in fruits.
  • Choose cheese products with “reduced fat,” or “low-fat” on the label.
  • Check the sell-by date to make sure you’re buying the freshest products.

Look for other healthy, budget-conscious choices.groceries

  • Drink water instead of sodas or other high-sugar drinks. Water is easy on your wallet and has zero calories. Take a reusable water bottle is when on the go.
  • Save time, money, and calories by skipping the chip and cookie aisles.
  • Choose the checkout lane without the candy shelves, especially if you have kids with you.

The American Heart Association emphasizes balance for heart-healthy eating. It’s important to choose a variety of foods and to combine nutritional meals with physical activity, for improved overall health.

Share the Table is excited about our plans for a larger facility that will enable us to expand our fresh produce offerings for our clients. We are also making plans for a Learning Center, complete with a teaching kitchen, in the new location so we can conduct classes on shopping for and preparing nutritional meals on a budget.

Join us in celebrating National Nutrition Month with a contribution to this new space. You can be a Hunger Hero! Learn more at

As always, thanks for your support!