Your donations to Share The Table allow us to serve those in your community who need it most.
Share The Table is funded by the generosity of neighbors and community members. What many people might not realize about our area is that there are many people around here who suffer from food insecurity– even those who are not considered to be below the poverty line. Food insecurity is a real problem that often does not have obvious signs, and we are doing our best to combat this issue with help from volunteers, donors and monetary donations.
When you make monetary donations to our programs, you are helping to make food accessible to those who need it most. Seniors, unemployed or underemployed workers, teens, children and adults all rely on the monetary donations of the community. In fact, 98% of our funding comes from the generosity of individual donors, and we hope that you will consider sharing with us so that we can share with the community.
Monetary donations to our center can be in any amount, and we will welcome them gladly! We hope you will consider donating to our center so that we can feed the hungry members of our community. To learn more, please contact us today.
Why Donate to Share the Table?
Share the Table, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization supported by seven charter churches, community churches, civic organizations, and local businesses in Pender and Onslow Counties in North Carolina. Through our free community meal, food pantry and school backpack programs, we feed over 1,000 Pender and Onslow County residents per week.